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 Béastly || Druid || Feral(cat) || Local

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Join date : 2011-09-14

Béastly || Druid || Feral(cat) || Local Empty
PostSubject: Béastly || Druid || Feral(cat) || Local   Béastly || Druid || Feral(cat) || Local I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 14, 2011 2:43 pm

About You
Name: Chris
Location: Zurich
Age: 23
Teamspeak: I've used all the major raid communication programs
Working Mic: Ofc

Tell us a little about yourself.
Well although I live in Zurich I am 100% English, however, I moved to Spain at the age of 13 then went back to the UK for university and have been living and working in Zurich for over a year now. I've played wow for a long time but only started raiding after I broke my back a few years ago and just didn't stop even though I recovered. I am easy going and never say no to a drink and a laugh with mates.

How do you handle constructive criticism?
Easy, if it helps me improve I'm grateful for it. I keep calm when there is nonconstructive criticism flying around as well.

What motivates you to do well in this game?
Well I have a competitive attitude in everything I do so ofc that translates to WoW

Do you have any friends in Elation?
The only name I know in Elation is Morgan from way back in the day but outside the guild there are plenty of people who would vouch for me without even thinking. I've also had a few recent occasions where people I didn't know but who knew me would be willing to vouch as well (I am looking around for guilds and ended up applying here) as I used to be one of the highest dps on the server back in WotLK

Are you able to make our raid times each night?
I am always honest above all else and so I will tell you that atm I am used to a 3 nite per week schedule however I see no problems in bumping that up to 4 if it seems worthwhile (eg time well spent) and your times fit me very well too

Tell us a joke. Any joke!
Let's just say I would like to get to know the atmosphere a little better before I told the majority of my jokes as they are definitely for a certain audience (I always ensure that I don't offend anyone and keep the material at the right level for the company around me). So a quick one would be -

Why dont blind men skydive?
Because it scares the shit out of the dog

Mild I know but like I said, you will have to wait for the rest. Also, this is the first time I've seen this question in an application (although I have barely written any over the years) and if this is a refelection of the guilds attitude I really like it.

About Your Character
Name: Béastly
Class: Druid
Server: Sunstrider
Armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/sunstrider/B%C3%A9astly/advanced

Why are you parting ways with your current guild?
The reason I am leaving Serendipity is that I have been on holiday for a month over the summer and when I came back, I came back to a different guild (and server tbh). They are going 10man to survive and there are nowhere near as many people that I know in there as there used to be and as I was on holiday over summer I was not included in the core team therefore I would like to move somewhere where I can be again Smile

General Questions
What stats do you prioritize? Why?
Ooooh this is a tricky one for ferals atm. They have changed feral dps a lot since cata and and a few times during. Currently I am in a rut for the following reason. Hit/Exp is the way everyone is going atm over the full mastery but as you can see I am not. 1 reason - my weapon. I have been seriously unlucky with it. I have killed domo 7 times and still no staff dropped and I have yet to see the BoE polearm drop yet either. I have tested extensively on dummies and dps simulators and found that my dps atm is better with the full mastery build (I was able to beat better geared hit/exp capped ferals as well) however when I do eventually get a 378+ wep I will make the change as the added wep dmg will make it the better build. So for now it's (agi ofc then) mastery is my prio followed by haste then crit. Once I get a new wep it will be (agi ofc then) hit/exp till cap then haste then I am thinking crit=mastery but I will have to test that when the time comes.

What Glyphs are you currently using and why?
(See armory) The glyphs I have picked simply because they are the best 3 prime glyphs and after that it is more to do with personal preference (although feral charge is a pretty much a must).

Why did you choose your current Gems and Enchants?
Again, they are the best

What are your professions? Why?
Alch and LW. Since Cata all profs are the same pretty much. I have them both for their bonus 80 agi then alch as I get extended flasks and LW as its cheap leg enchants

What consumables do you use? Why? Please include food, flasks and potions.
Quite simple again, I always have a stack of Flask of the Winds handy as well as plenty of Skewered Eel and stacks and stacks of Tol’vir pots.

Tell us about your ability rotation or priority.
In short: keep mangle, rake, rip, roar and fire up. In long: Mangle, Rake, Roar (roar then rake depending on mangle crit or not), Shred, TF, Beserk, Shred to 5, Rip, Shred and Rake to 5, Bite. I could go on and on.... Feral dps is not an easy class to play as the timing has to be just right and you can't predict crits which is why I enjoy playing them so much as there aren't many people who can play them well.

What's your previous raid experience?
I have played WoW since Vanilla (Mage on different server). I started raiding in TBC and I moved to Sunstrider (Shadow Priest). I changed to my now main Béastly when WotLK came out and played as resto for Nax and Uld then switched to feral at my guilds request and that has been my MS ever since. In Cata I have been feral mainspec but have used my resto OS (which is also pretty well geared) in all raids when we were short a healer.

Magtheridon's Lair Cleared
Gruul's Lair Cleared
Karazhan Cleared
SCC Cleared
TK Cleared to last boss
I had to quit the game at this point due to my studies at uni starting to get serious so I missed out on BT, MT and SP

Onyxias's Lair 10/25 Cleared
Malygos 10/25 Cleared
Obsidion Sanctum +3D/2D 10/25 Cleared
Naxxaramas 10 14/14
Naxxaramas 25 14/14
Ulduar 10 12/12 + Algalon
Ulduar 25 11/12
VOA 10/25 Cleared
ToC &ToGC10 5/5
ToC25 5/5
ICC10 12/12Norm 11/12HC (Couldn’t do LK HC as I had to quit for a while due to moving country and starting my job at this time)
ICC25 12/12Norm 11/12HC (Couldn’t do LK HC as I had to quit for a while due to moving country and starting my job at this time)
Halion 25 Norm, 10 HC (Couldn't do 25 HC as I had to quit for a while due to moving country and starting my job at this time)

When Cata came out, I was in a 25 man guild so the following applies to 25man.
BoT 4/4Norm 2/5HC
BwD 6/6Norm 6/6HC
TotfW 2/2Norm 2/2HC (Killed Al Akir hc on 10man as the guild made a decision to go for progress)
Firelands 6/7Norm 2/7HC and got domo to 8% (The reason I have not killed Ragnaros yet is that my gf came to live with me over the summer so I had to cut back my raiding and was told I would be more of an asset if I showed up for the progression raids and Rag was not progression. She has now gone back to Denmark for uni so I am back to full time raiding for the next year)

What's your favorite raid encounter in all of WoW? Why?
I can't really say that I have a favorite. The harder it gets the more I like it. Recently, I have had the most laughs watching people run into the lava in Magmaw and before that it was the two "lasers" in Halion

What do you feel is your greatest asset as a raider? In other words, why should we recruit you instead of this other guy over here.
I know the point of an application is to essentially sell yourself and I hope I have done so above but if not keep reading below. I play well and I play smart and with all my experience and motivation combined with a sense of humor I know I would make a great addition to the guild.

Any additional information you'd like us to know?
Well unless I copied and pasted wrong I didn't see a question about MS talent build or anything to do with OS so here it is:
Feral - I have picked these talents because they provide the best dps possible while still being able to help out the raid by having 2/2 Nurturing Instinct to give the extra boost to my Tranq if it is called for in an “Oh Sh*t!” situation and Survival Instincts which I pop when large inc dmg is expected to give the healers a bit more room to breathe.
Resto - I haven’t healed in a month but at that time they were the talents that provided me with the most output and mana longevity. I personally prefer the mana reduction of Moonglow to the mana max increase of Furor but I know people who don’t. The glyphs I have picked simply because they are the best 3 prime glyphs and after wild growth (a must), the HT glyph fits my play style.

This being said I am willing (and able as I have the ungemmed gear in my bank) to change to Tank OS as I saw this would be a "bonus" but will get into that in more detail depending on your reply

Also there was nothing about addons:
I use curse to manage and update all my addons and I don’t install an addon unless it has a specific purpose
Raid addons -
Grid2 (Dual profile, small in the corner for dps to cast a quick CR or Innervate when called for and big in the middle with all the indicators when healing)
OmniCC (Shows numbers on shaded icon so easier to see long CDs)
Tidy Plates (Track aggro, targets and multiple DoTs)
Feral -
Bad Kitty (DoT, Buff and CD timer)
EnergyWatch Reborn (Clearer central energy bar)
NugComboBar (Clearer central combo point tracker)
RoguePowerBars (A more flexible timer)
Resto -
General -
Addon control panel (just a time saver)
I do have a spell announcer but I will disable it if people in the raid find it a hindrance rather than helping
I have used EPGP before and will reinstall it when applicable

Unhólyhealer 85 Shadow Priest (MH/BWD geared). I am using this alt again in Cata
Misina 85 Prot Pala (ZA/ZG geared). I used this alt in WotLK

Previous guilds and why I left:
TBC – Moral Decay, quit the game
WotLK – JustGrumpy, joined to play with some rl mates but decided I wanted to go into a more dedicated raiding guild. Moral Decay, still knew quite a few people in the guild and they were right for me at the time. Party Clowns, I wanted to experience "hardcore" end game raiding and was able to prove myself and quickly pass my trial, rl happened toward the end of WotLK and I again had to quit the game
Cata – Moral Decay, I came back to wow just as they needed a druid and so got a raiding spot straight away. Serendiptiy, I wanted to play with rl friends again and the guild offered me the ability to raid with friends.

My current set up:
Internet connection: I just tested – 23.4 down and 2.7 up. It’s a stable connection with no random dcs and a latency of between 30 and 120ms.
Computer: The important parts -
Intel Core i7 @ 2.80 GHz
GeForce GTX 560 Ti
It handles 25man raiding just fine so ofc will do 10

My UI:
(I usually have cam at max distance but I just clicked the dummy and took this shot to show the UI "in combat")

I think thats all. Thanks for reading and if you need to know anything else just give me a /w or reply here. Have a nice day!
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Posts : 275
Join date : 2009-08-02
Age : 32
Location : London, UK

Béastly || Druid || Feral(cat) || Local Empty
PostSubject: Re: Béastly || Druid || Feral(cat) || Local   Béastly || Druid || Feral(cat) || Local I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 14, 2011 7:15 pm

Hi, thanks for your application! Was a good read, a very solid application.

I haven't got much to write here after having a chat with you in-game... i'm more than happy to offer you a trial spot. Contact either myself or Futton ingame for an invite.
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